Escaping strings in SPARQL queries

July 06, 2011 – tagged SPARQL

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Resources in the RDF framework are identified by URIs, i.e. strings like When they contain special characters, some care needs to be taken, when querying, comparing, escaping etc.

However, the essence of this post is that when you have a urlencoded string (i.e. one with percent signs in it), you cannot use the prefixed form of SPARQL. The following statement will not "compile":

PREFIX : <>   
PREFIX rdfs: <>    
SELECT ?lbl_de WHERE {
  :Topologie_%28Mathematik%29 rdfs:label ?lbl_de .
  FILTER (LANG(?lbl_de) = 'de')       

You will need to remove the prefix and use the full URI in angle brackets, as in:

PREFIX rdfs: <>    
SELECT ?lbl_de WHERE {
  <> rdfs:label ?lbl_de .
  FILTER (LANG(?lbl_de) = 'de')       