Escaping strings in SPARQL queries
Resources in the RDF framework are identified by URIs, i.e. strings like
. When they contain special characters, some care needs to be taken, when querying, comparing, escaping etc.
However, the essence of this post is that when you have a urlencoded string (i.e. one with percent signs in it), you cannot use the prefixed form of SPARQL. The following statement will not "compile":
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?lbl_de WHERE {
:Topologie_%28Mathematik%29 rdfs:label ?lbl_de .
FILTER (LANG(?lbl_de) = 'de')
You will need to remove the prefix and use the full URI in angle brackets, as in:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?lbl_de WHERE {
<> rdfs:label ?lbl_de .
FILTER (LANG(?lbl_de) = 'de')